We are the Des Plaines IL Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America working for practical solutions that balance conservation with the sustainable use of natural resources.
Join the Des Plaines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League to support our efforts to find common-sense solutions to today's environmental problems and model sustainable community development in your community.
Membership is open to any person of good reputation, 18 years of age or older, who has shown an interest in the purpose and vision of the Chapter and the League. Member Obligations require each member to volunteer six hours per year in support of Chapter activities or events. Individuals may pay a fee in lieu of their volunteer hours, but we prefer you volunteer to help keep our chapter beautiful and safe.
With new projects and partnerships underway, there are many opportunities to participate: water monitoring, salt watch, building wood duck or robin next boxes, clearing buckthorn, maintaining the building and grounds, gardening, painting, supporting and promoting our fundraisers, and more!